Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Et tu, YouTube? Thing 20.0

I've spent the last year saying, "I have no time for YouTube." But I bopped over to play, per 23 Things. I was not deeply impressed when I clicked on some of the featured videos. I'm not a big fan of TV to begin. I looked at the subject directory. I watched some so-called funny videos. At best, I found them disturbing. So I searched for something I would like to watch, and found the above clip of Patti Smith on Saturday Night Live. I greatly enjoyed it. But when I looked for the date of the filming, or the source, I couldn't find anything. I found the info quite easily via Google--it aired on SNL April 17, 1976. I watched it with my best friend Eric in my parent's den in suburban Philly.

I'm assuming there's no meta-data because this clip is protected by copyright, which is being violated. I'm sure Patti doesn't have a problem, but I bet NBC does. I looked at the comments, thinking they might be interesting. They weren't; mostly sophomoric. They did not add to the content.

I surfed a bit more. Some of the videos do give meta-data, but it's very uneven, which makes the searching uneven.

I must say embedding the clip in Blogger was VERY easy, and that video clips can make web sites more interesting. But I will probably never be very interested in YouTube as a social interaction--just not my thing.

My biggest surprise: when I went to email the clip to my daughter, I had to sign in. It said my preferred username was taken! So I tried my default password, and lo and behold, I already had set up a YouTube account. No recollection of when or why, but there it was. YouTube says I joined 11/30/2006, and have watched 3 videos. Maybe it was that Book 1.0 video? It's here--if you haven't seen it, do--hilarious

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